Monday, 30 May 2011

Style idea

Some ideas for how to style the zombies from my friend Gill:
ok i have an idea for how to style the zombies. it's a kind of ironic Twighlight parody. what about teenager-cheerleader zombies?  Like at a cheerleading competiton.  the cheerleading teams are practising their routine on the poolside and they have their identical outfits. but just before the main cheerleading competition, all the girls customise their outfit to make themselves stand out more. so they will take their skirt off and dance in their swimsuit and off the shoulder T-shirt. or take the T-shirt off and dance in swimsuit and tiny skirt. or they will wear same-colour leggings. or the same colour handprint on one cheek etc. it looks kind of cool but also quite sinister cause there is such a air of palpable competition between them.
The juxtaposition of once-sickeningly healthy, middle-class and good-looking teenagers lurching thru HK is quite cool i think, particularly post-Twighlight. i'm thinking elements of Nirvana the Smells Like Teen Spirit video too.

What do you think?  Would you like to see teenage cheer-leading  zombies?  What kind of styles have you seen that you like?  What styles would you like to see?

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Walk like a zombie

Here is something my friend Hilleke sent me last night.
Here are some sites with zombie related info - hope they're inspiring!! 
Zombie walks:

this one has some good costume ideas…
but this is the BEST
and it has links to other videos
Zombie advice - how to survive a zombie apocalypse

All links and comments welcome
(although I am having technical problems trying to post a comment to the comments…so any advice on that would be helpful too!)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Production update.

Have you ever seen a zombie stand still? Do they have to keep moving like sharks?  Perhaps they explode if they don’t move? 
Well what ever happens to zombies a film doesn’t get made unless things keep things moving along (although unlikely to explode) and here are a few deadlines to help us do just that:
1st June – Zombie make-up night
3rd June - First draft of script finished
3rd June – shooting schedule established
10th June – story-board finished
11th June – Recky to see abandoned village out in NT 
Filming - June and July
More updates coming soon.

How do you like your zombie?

How do you like your zombie?  Would you go for a Necromantic zombie, a Plague zombie, or a Rabbid zombie? (
Or maybe you would prefer a mash up of Functional zombies, Philosophical zombies, Hollywood Zombies, Voodoo zombies and with a sprinkling of Hollywood zombies on top? (
Or would you prefer to wrestle with a “lurker” a “crawler” or a “roamer” (
More importantly which one do you think would be best to be filmed?
All comments welcome.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Zombie Blurb

Hello and welcome. 
This is my zombie blog. 
As you are probably aware by now I am in the process of putting together a zombie movie. 
Quite a few people have expressed an interest at getting involved so in order to keep us all in the loop I have decided to create this blog. 
The aim is to keep everyone a breast of developments and stages that the film is at and also try to get some opinions and ideas on zombies and zombification.  If you are an expert on Zombies: great!  And if you aren’t then we are all in this together! 
Whatever, I am a zombie novice, and will be needing plenty of help to make the whole thing happen and I am hoping we will be able to use this blog to exchange ideas, info and updates.