Thursday, 8 September 2011

Fine yellowy bile

I am hoping to cover my zombies in some fine yellowy bile and just shopping round for recipes.  How do these strike you?

Red sequins (red blood cells) - enough to fill 40mL of a 100mL measuring cylinder
                  Glass or plastic beads (white blood cells, platelets) - the ratio is 1000 rbc’s for every wbc and 100 platelets – estimate rather than count!
                  100mL water •                  yellow food colouring •                  cola •                  clear plastic cup •                  measuring cylinder
                  Create the plasma by adding a few drops of yellow food dye and cola to water to make 100mL in the plastic cup.
                  Add the red sequins and beads to the cup and mix all parts.
                  Pour the mixture into the measuring cylinder.
                  As the mixture settles the “cellular” components appear to be suspended in the plasma.

or this one:

You will need:
                  1/2 cup water •                  1 tablespoon cocoa powder •                  3 or 4 tablespoon corn syrup •                  1/2 to 1 teaspoon red food coloring •                  2 drops yellow or green food coloring (optional) •                  container for mixing •                  mixing implement (spoon, stick etc) •                  tissues
                  Mix the cocoa powder thoroughly into the water before adding the other ingredients - it may help to use warm water.
                  After adding the rest, blend the concoction well, and then wait for it to settle a bit.
                  Either skim the bubbles & chocolate scum off the top with the edge of a tissue, or pour the mixture into another container. The longer it sits, the more the cocoa tends to settle to the bottom, which oddly mimics the effect of real blood separating.
                  If you splatter this mixture onto cloth, it makes neat two-part marks that dry into pretty convincing bloodstains.
                  If you let it run from a victim’s mouth and then let it dry, the blood darkens and cakes to the skin in much the same way real blood does.
All taken from

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